IT Solutions Hub

Disseminating local “good things” nationwide by building an EC site.

Local specialty products nationwide

The "hometown tax payment" system was introduced following the law revision in 2008, and has now evolved into a system that allows easy tax payment through multiple sites. In addition, EC sites have been enhanced due to the development of the Internet. It became relatively easy to get things from all over the country while staying at home. In Takizawa City and Tono City in Iwate Prefecture, we decided to launch an EC site because we wanted to make local specialty products known throughout the country. Popul-sha has been involved in the development of EC sites in both cities, as well as operation and operation support.

Construction of Tono Market (Tono City) / Chag Marushi (Takizawa City)

EC sites were built at Tono Market (Tono City) and Chug Marushi (Takizawa City). In addition, we have a wide range of support from exhibitor collection to operation after construction. Chug Marushi (Takizawa City) hoped that it would be operated by a tourist association, so we provided a system that could be operated without being familiar with the system. Currently, there are more than 40 exhibiting companies on both sites, and they are increasing every year. Among the products are the apple Takizawa Haruka, researched and developed by Iwate University, the specialty product Takizawa Watermelon, local soy sauce, honey, etc., so you can fully feel the charm of both cities It is a site. In addition, we helped branding and increase awareness by opening stores at events in the city and utilizing SNS.

Takizawa City Official Net Shop "Chag Marushi"

Tono City Official Net Shop "Tono Market"

4th year at the company
Ogiwara Takaaki

After graduating from a liberal arts university, I joined Paul Morioka Office.
Together with local governments, universities and companies in Iwate Prefecture, the theme of disseminating local information and solving problems is
We develop mobile applications and build systems.

Disseminating local “good things” nationwide by building an EC site.

Planning and requirements definition

basic design

Detailed design



Operation and maintenance

Environment Open source package
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any questions on system development
Falcon administrative team's specialist will take a free consultation

This site is operated by Acro Holdings.
Based on experience gained in about 20,000 man-months per year,
planning of the hearing system of the issue, acquisition of the phase estimate,
We support the review of estimate contents and management of projects.
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