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Can Tianyang newspaper industry typesetting system be a savior?

Issuing circulation which decreases year by year. Cost increase for large printing presses.

The order received this time is "Type of Public Sports Type". User is a newspaper publishing company specialized paper of public gambling.
Currently, in the newspaper industry paper-based sales are decreasing year by year. For printing, I use a large and special equipment called a rotary press, but it seems that it costs as much as tens of millions of yen per year for maintenance due to maintenance. In addition, if newly introduced due to aging, capital investment of several hundred million yen is required for one unit.
While sales declined, we began considering the introduction of a typesetting system compatible with WEB in response to the urgent demand of users who want to hold down capital investment. It was unknown whether to be able to meet the expectations of end users by converting to WEB, but issuing as paper has made a decision to reduce maintenance costs by shifting to ordinary prints.

Challenge to create a new page with system type

The system versioning system is a system that automatically creates layouts that compose the paper surface according to the amount of information.
The public sports newspaper has a part called "pillar". This is the name of the horse, for example in horse racing, the name of the player in the bicycle race or boat race. Besides, it refers to the type of motor and the history information of each player. I will describe these in the "pillar" part on the layout. The "pillars" vary depending on the race. Especially in the case of main race, the amount of information will be more.
Regarding the database of "pillars", for example in the case of horse racing, we take it by quoting from the official website such as JRA. The system will judge this as well and lay it out in the optimum space on the paper as appropriate.
There is also a part called "comment". It refers to an interview by a reporter and it becomes a unique part of a newspaper. We also systematized how to arrange this article in the limited space of the paper.
Also, since it is a newspaper, it must be easy to read. However, a gap will inevitably arise. Therefore, we place "buried grass" in industry terms. This is a small advertisement. The system automatically selects and layouts "filling grass" automatically from among several sizes prepared in advance.

Successful in responsiveness and efficiency

In the past, handwritten manuscripts arrived from fax reporters by facsimile, and the staff waiting for it sent over to texts by hand. However, after shifting to the new system, reporters can log in from the mobile terminal and can input the manuscript. I think that I was able to build a system that can respond quickly.
As for the forecast column, reporters in charge will access each exclusive screen and enter the prediction of each race. We have constructed a mechanism that automatically reflects it on the layout. For example, if there are forecast boundaries for seven people, the system decides that the system is OK at the stage when all expectations of all seven people are complete, and sends it to the layout.
By registering these information in the database, it is divided into two types, one for WEB and one for paper base, so that layout can be outputted, contributing to efficiency improvement.

Struggling industry terms

At first, I had difficulty understanding the industry terms anyway. Most of our staff did not have a gambling edge and because there were many abbreviations, it was difficult to distinguish them from typographical errors. It was a hard time to have many external characters.
As a result, during the testing process, the development staff could not judge whether it was true or false about the letters, so it was very difficult to tell whether it was a problem with the system or not. So, an engineer actually accompanied the site, I studied from the first race in the morning to the last race and let me tightly associate. It seems that it seems quite understandable now. Still there are still parts. Actually, if you actually bet money and experience it, you will understand more, but ... (laugh)
In this industry, I think that there are many industry newspaper companies and regional newspaper companies that have similar challenges. Based on this achievement, I would like to advance development to such a newspaper company in the future.

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