IT Solutions Hub

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, seven days a week operation and maintenance service

You need a tray to take over the existing system

Even with installed systems, maintenance contracts with developed companies may expire, budget for maintenance may not be met, and perhaps the company itself may be gone. Even if such a situation occurs, even if it is a system developed by another company, we will take over and operate and maintain it. I am thinking everyday that the user's "troubles" can be managed with their own power.

Skills that can cope with any environment

On the technical side, in addition to JP1, Azure, etc., it also supports Amazon Linux, Windows Server etc without any problem even in the OS environment. Measures against cloud environments are also thorough.
For example, it is a user of a convenience store, but as we can not deal with anything, all of us are inquired. As much as possible, we try to respond as carefully as possible, such as "What do you see on the screen?" In the case of users selling information on the net, we will respond directly to customers and sometimes do remote control.
In any environment, I would like to continue to have high skills to solve users' challenges.

Please do not hesitate to consult
any questions on system development
Falcon administrative team's specialist will take a free consultation

This site is operated by Acro Holdings.
Based on experience gained in about 20,000 man-months per year,
planning of the hearing system of the issue, acquisition of the phase estimate,
We support the review of estimate contents and management of projects.
For inquiries, please fill out this mail form or the following phone number.

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