IT Solutions Hub

Cine-computer information portal site New production development

From information acquisition to reservation, smooth introduction of visitors

It is information portal site of Cinema Complex. We have developed a new movie information, campaign information, and a system that can make reservations. As a structure, we have decided to work on development in a consistent flow by consolidating from design to system development with internal staff. It is a team organization of design creator: 2, PM: 1, SE: 1 and PG: 2.
For the reservation system, we introduced a management system that can show screening information on a theater-by-theater basis. It got better efficiency and easier to operate. However, when reservation information on topic work was released, reservations concentrated, and measures to deal with the situation were difficult to deal with. Currently, it is a system that can be operated without problems even under high load conditions.
Even after the start of operation, we will continue to periodically notify events etc. and also undertake maintenance work. We were able to evaluate this system successfully because we could operate this system successfully.
Today, we are developing other related projects, such as the production of different theatrical sites, event sites, and the creation of new store information sites. I would like to continue to continue to acquire projects.

Cine-computer information portal site New production development

Site that can manage all at once from screening information, event announcement, movie theater reservation

Planning and requirements definition

basic design

Detailed design



Operation / Maintenance

Development scale
Updated At


Business Hours


Please do not hesitate to consult
any questions on system development
Falcon administrative team's specialist will take a free consultation

This site is operated by Acro Holdings.
Based on experience gained in about 20,000 man-months per year,
planning of the hearing system of the issue, acquisition of the phase estimate,
We support the review of estimate contents and management of projects.
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