IT Solutions Hub

A large-scale renovation of the EC site has resulted in more efficient operation

Five tasks, large scale renovation of EC site started

There were five challenges that users felt during normal business.
1. I want to prevent problems such as illegal orders from occurring in the back office.
2. I want to manage and control two delivery companies in batch
3. I want to accurately control stock management on the EC site
4. I want to automate shipment instruction data to be delivered to the warehouse management side
5. I would like to automate accessories and bundled items (leaflets, novelties etc) for each order

Originally these issues will be solved one by one, but this time we have to do all the renovations at the same time. However, since the given period was a short period of 3 months, it is necessary to decide which systems need to be developed from scratch, whether there are things that can be designed by diverting already installed packages, etc. In order to solve it, we had to organize and consider requirements for each task.

The most difficult theme is to review "inventory management system"

What I felt as a particularly difficult subject is the review of the "inventory control system". The number of fixes increased as a result of changing the structure of the system itself, but from the standpoint of inventory management I think that it contributed to efficiency. Currently we are still inventory management on the EC site, but it is highly accurate compared with the previous one.

The appearance of the EC site is supported as it is, the system is supported from behind

In this renovation, we did not dare to change the design of EC site to avoid confusion of end users. Because we were able to solve the problem only by associating with the database, I think that we were able to achieve efficiency of operation without burden to users.

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