IT Solutions Hub

Contract management system that absorbs different business specifications and is responsible for standardization of business

Assist in the creation of a system that has been lost, and develop a contract management system

What we developed is "Contract management system in child care business". When building a new core system, if the project is not progressing well at the end of the requirements definition, I received a request from the acquaintance who took office as the IT planning manager and asked for assistance, and the PMO reworked the plan is. Progress was delayed, requirements were not settled, voices of concern were rising from the client, and the developers seemed to be tired. We set a place to focus on, reached the point where we would release the system in about a year, and when the operation went on track to some extent, we would like to improve our operations and continued to participate as business consulting. As contract management is important, we proposed to do it and it came to develop the system.

Complete the tasks in each stage one by one, respond to requests and repeat the function improvement daily

In the place of creating the first core system, there were places where plans had not been made, so the question was how to bring it to operation, but it was built. It led to introduction and operation.
Especially at the start of operation, we also responded to inquiries from each garden as a support desk. In business consulting, I started from the place where I arrange it once because the business varies depending on the local government.The work specifications differed in detail depending on the local government where each nursery school is located, but at the time there was a problem that no one knew the whole. We interviewed this and made it possible for the headquarters to share and manage information that was previously managed individually in each garden. In addition, as business requirements change, such as the increase in the number of local governments that are used and business conditions increase, it is possible to add functions or to use under different conditions, so schedule according to the timing of business We are working on the renovations little by little. Recently, we added support for adding contract information types. It has been in use for three or four years, but this system has made sure that there are mistakes etc. compared to when it was managed with paper.
As it is important that the service level is appropriate in the daycare business, we trained the staff on the site to the level where they could explain to the parents who use the nursery. We have developed UI / UX that can be used easily even by the director of each nursery school where IT literacy is not high, and we are working to improve the utilization of IT. We also responded to inquiries from each garden instead of the support desk from the time of core system creation.
Customer: Doronkokai Group

Johnny Jagger Japan Co., Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Leader
Mr. Yoshikazu Okada

We have realized Hybrid IT that combines business analysis / design and IT consulting with IT engineering that builds systems.

Contract management system in childcare industry

Planning and requirements definition

basic design

Detailed design



Operation / Maintenance

language C#
OS Linux、Windows Server2012 R2
F/W .net
Johnny Jagger Japan Inc.
Updated At



Tokyo Nihonbashi YT Building 2F 1 21 7 Nihonbashi Kashiwacho Chuo-ku Tokyo


January 23, 2006

Business contents

・Consulting Services
・ Engineering, solution service


6.25 million yen


Worker dispatch business: School 13-311770
Non-Profit Organization IT Coordinators Association [ITCA]
Metropolitan area software cooperative [METSA]

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Based on experience gained in about 20,000 man-months per year,
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Business improvement, External cooperation
Business improvement, Performance improvement
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Business improvement, External cooperation, mobile
Business improvement, Performance improvement, Medical care